Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day of the Deployed; an idea driven by passion, tenacity and networking

Day of the Deployed; an idea driven by passion, tenacity and networking

By Shelle Aberle, founder of Military Ovation and spouse of (ret) Colonel Michael Aberle, former North Dakota Army National Guard Chief of Staff

Each year, we honor our fallen heroes on Memorial Day, and all those who have served on Veterans Day. The Day of the Deployed gives us an opportunity to focus on those who are fighting for us today.

Day of the Deployed is a day to honor the many selfless actions demanded of military members and their loved ones across the globe. This day serves as a tangible reminder of the sacrifice being made in homes across America every day. Every deployment reflects the deep commitment of not only the deploying member, but of the many friends and loved ones who are left behind to aid in answering our nations call. Selfless men, women and children who are called upon to set aside their personal comfort and convenience to support the heroes they call mom, dad, father, mother, brother, sister or friend.

October 26 - Day of the Deployed has been a “National Day of Honor” since 2011 when North Dakota’s US Senator John Hoeven co-sponsored S. RES. 295, which passed through the US Senate unanimously. Since then S. RES. 581 passed in 2012 unanimously and in 2013, S. RES. 273 was again voted through the US Senate with 100% support. (

Mr. HOEVEN (for himself, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. TESTER, and Ms. HEITKAMP) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to

RESOLUTION Designating October 26, 2013, as `Day of the Deployed'.

Whereas more than 2,500,000 individuals serve as members of the United States Armed Forces;

Whereas several hundred thousand members of the Armed Forces rotate each year through deployments to over 150 countries in every region of the world;

Whereas more than 2,300,000 members of the Armed Forces have deployed to the area of operations of the United States Central Command since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks;

Whereas the United States is kept strong and free by the loyal military personnel from the active, National Guard, and Reserve components, who protect the precious heritage of the country through their positive declaration and actions;

Whereas members of the Armed Forces serving at home and abroad have courageously answered the call to duty to defend the ideals of the United States and to preserve peace and freedom around the world;

Whereas members of the Armed Forces personify the virtues of patriotism, service, duty, courage, and sacrifice;

Whereas the families of members of the Armed Forces make important and significant sacrifices for the United States;

Whereas the Senate designated October 26 as `Day of the Deployed' in 2011 and 2012; and

Whereas all 50 States designated October 26 as `Day of the Deployed' in 2012: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Senate--(1) designates October 26, 2013, as `Day of the Deployed';

(2) honors the deployed members of the United States Armed Forces and their families;

(3) calls on the people of the United States to reflect on the service of those members of the Armed Forces, wherever they serve, past, present, and future; and

(4) encourages the people of the United States to observe Day of the Deployed with appropriate ceremonies and activities.


Resolutions just don’t magically appear, there is always a reason that drives the cause, and hence this lesson in the history books of war since 9-11. Day of the Deployed actually originated in North Dakota in 2006.

June 6, 2006, the North Dakota Army National Guard 1-188th ADA SECFOR had their first casualties in Afghanistan when SGT Travis A. Van Zoest and CPL Curtis R. Mehrer 6 were killed when their Humvee struck two anti-tank mines during combat operations in Khogyani, Afghanistan.

At that point in time, I knew that I needed to do something to showcase support for all deployed warriors and their families to keep morale up in any possible way.

I taught Public Relations at the University of North Dakota at the time, so I brought the idea for an event and proclamation to my students. In class, we wrote the proclamation as a group assignment and then forwarded the proclamation to (then) North Dakota Governor John Hoeven; he approved the idea and signed the proclamation.

The origination of the day chosen; October 26, stems from another North Dakota root. LTC (now COL) David Hosna, who is my cousin from Bottineau, ND, was deployed to Iraq with the United States Army. October 26 is his birthday, and we had to pick a day, so we chose it in honor of him.

The first event was hosted at the Empire Arts Center in Grand Forks, ND with the Grand Forks Symphony in full concert. The Honor Guard from the Grand Forks Air Force Base presented the colors and Emily Custer opened the evening with the National Anthem. She concluded the two-hour event with a video montage to the song "ThankYou," which she wrote. 

Two NDARNG 1-188th ADA SECFOR soldiers on their R&R from the deployment in Afghanistan traveled across the state to be a part of the event. SGT Justina Bilby, from Velva and SPC Megan Dockter from Minot read the poem, “I am the One” (

And were joined by featured speakers, medically retired USMC Lance Cpl. Ben Lunak  and USMC Maj. Mike McNamara, both Iraq war veterans from Grand Forks Mayor Michael Brown (USAF LTC Ret.) also read the state proclamation in absence of the Governor.

In 2007, Minnesota joined North Dakota in proclaiming this day of honor and the North Dakota event was again hosted in Grand Forks at the University of North Dakota with a flag rising presentation by the UND ROTC.

In 2008, South Dakota joined North Dakota and Minnesota in proclaiming this day of honor and the North Dakota event was hosted in Grand Forks at the University of North Dakota with a flag rising presentation by the UND ROTC.

In 2009, a national troop support organization (Soldiers’ Angels) joined forces with the event and under my guidance 25 different states joined in with state signed proclamations. The official event was hosted at the state capitol in Bismarck with Governor Hoeven presenting at the event, the National Anthem sung by Tayler Kearn, Miss North Dakota USA and a special presentation by Sydney Murphy, daughter of NDARNG CPT Dan Murphy who was deployed at the time.

My Dad by Sydney Murphy

My name is Sydney Murphy and I am 10 years old.  My dad is Captain Dan Murphy and he has been in the National Guard for almost 20 years.  Currently my dad is deployed to Kosovo and this is his third deployment.

Since my dad has been gone so much for deployments he has missed many different holidays including my three favorites Halloween, Christmas, and the 4rth of July.  My dad has also missed my birthday, my brother’s birthday and my mom’s birthday.  My dad has missed many of my brother’s football and basketball games and many of my basketball and soccer games.  

It is very hard for me because my dad is not here to tuck me into bed, snuggle with me at bed time and kiss me goodnight.  It is also very hard for me because my dad is not here in the morning to wake me up with his big smile.  I miss my dad’s smile, his funniness, his jokes, his hugs and kisses, and I especially miss the chores that he did, because now I have to do his chores.

When my dad is deployed, I know things aren’t easy for him either.  My dad stays up late and gets up very early, he has to work very hard and go to meetings everyday.  When I Skype and talk with him he seems very tired.

I am very proud of my dad because he is deployed and loves serving our country, and my dad cares about everyone’s freedom.  Today, I want give a special thank you to everyone who is deployed, especially my dad, Captain Dan Murphy, I love you dad.


 In 2010, 40 states stepped up in honor of the deployed warriors and families from their respective states. This now being the 5th Annual Day of the Deployed in North Dakota, we had Emily Custer from the first Day of the Deployed back to sing the National Anthem along with her “Thank You” song once again. Guest speaker this year was Jennifer Vannurden.

My husband is Captain Walyn Vannurden the commander of the RAID IV/Sentinel currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.  This is his second deployment and his second time being honored at the day of the deployed.  The first time he deployed was in 2005 with the SECFOR.  I am sure there’s not a person in this room that doesn’t know how difficult and costly the SECFOR deployment was.  So as my first point in my speech I want to pay tribute to the soldiers that have paid the ultimate price for our freedom, and to their families.  We will never forget their sacrifice.  

I have this favorite t-shirt that my husband gave me as a souvenir from one of his many trips to one of our military bases.  It says on the back “Not all wives are created equal some become Army Wives” This phrase can be applied to wives and husbands of all branches of service.  I want to thank all the Military spouses who have stood by their soldiers and supported them in their service to their country.  Whether their soldier has never or not yet deployed or has deployed 2, 3, and 4 times your support is still noticed and appreciated.    As a military spouse you often take on the role of mom and dad, accountant, housekeeper, cook, grounds keeper, the list goes on and on.  You also learn that you can fix things around the house and performed scheduled maintenance on your vehicles, even if it is just taking it to the quick lube.  You can give birth without your spouse even if you’d rather not.  But as tough as all of this may sound we generally never feel anger about the situation we may be in.  Most of us married our soldier knowing that this is the way our life may be, we accept the things we cannot change and we grow from it.  Again thank you to all of the spouses that have stood by their soldier and supported them.  

I really have a special place in my heart for the parents of soldiers.  As a spouse you marry your soldier knowing full well what you are getting yourself into.  But the parents of soldiers don’t say to themselves I think I will have a child and that child will grow up to be a soldier and go to war to protect our freedom.  They support their children’s decision to join the military sometimes even approve it as my in laws did when Walyn wanted to join the military at 17.  Parents of soldiers deserve a special thank you for the way they love and support our soldiers like only a mother and father can.  Thank you to all the parents of a soldier for your selflessness and for bringing such incredible people into this world and bringing them up to love and fight for our country and freedoms.   

Military Moms and Dads are awesome but military children are really something special.  Some are adults with their own children, some college students and teenagers, some in elementary and middle school, some toddlers and babies, and some still being carried by that incredible military spouse.  These children also don’t choose to be the child of a soldier, but they accept it and support their parent just the same.  Often it is our children that suffer from deployment the most.  Many small children don’t understand why mommy or daddy is gone but is fully aware that they are gone.  Many somewhat understand, many fully understand.  We tell Alaina that Daddy is working.  The sweetest thing is that despite the fact that their parent has been gone for so long and they may have felt abandoned when their soldier left, most children embrace them as if they’d never left and love them just the same when they return.  Our military children are incredibly forgiving and resilient.  Thank you to our military children for being the bravest little soldiers of all.  

Also thank you to all of the brothers, sisters, grandparents, and anyone else that stands behind and supports our soldiers.  The truth is that the reason our soldiers are so great is because of all the love and support that they receive back home.

Last I want to thank our soldiers.  They are the reason we are here today.  I can’t imagine saying good bye to my spouse wondering if they will manage ok without me for the next year.  I especially can’t imagine saying good bye to my children knowing I may miss their first words, first steps, first day of school, first ballet recital or baseball game, first date or first prom, graduation, weddings, all those firsts or all those occasions that no one wants to miss, but sadly many of our soldiers do miss.  Our soldiers live in some of the worst conditions imaginable and sometimes witness things that nightmares are made of, but they do all this for our great nation.  They come home and soldier on thanks largely to the help and support of their families and their communities and people like all of you!  Thank you all for what you do for our brave men and women. 

At this very event, I discussed with Governor Hoeven (who was now running for the US Senate), “when you are in the US Senate, let’s make this a US Senate Resolution.” He smiled and said, “I have to get elected first.” Fast forward to election night, I attended his celebration party and had the chance to say, “Congratulations, I will see you in DC and we will make Day of the Deployed a national day of honor.” He said, “Yes, I will see you in DC!”

2011: Senator John Hoeven led the efforts and (co) sponsored S. RES. 295 for a first national day of honor. It was passed unanimously on October 18, 2011 for the first ever national day honoring the deployed troops and their families. Co-Sponsors: Senators John Hoeven (North Dakota), Kent Conrad (North Dakota), Pat Roberts (Kansas), Roy Blunt (Missouri), John Boozman (Arkansas), Jeff Sessions (Alabama) and Johnny Isakson (Georgia). 

This first national event was hosted at Bismarck State College and live streamed across the globe. Governor Jack Dalrymple signed the 6th Annual North Dakota Day of the Deployed.  Meg Morley, and my daughters Rebbekah McPherron and Emmaleis McPherron sang the national anthem at the first ever National Day of the Deployed. Senator John Hoeven was present and other guest speakers were skyped into the event as LTC Bill Watson and SPC Brandon Carrigan were preparing to deploy to Kosovo with the NDARNG 1- 112th Aviation Regiment.

2012: S. RES. 581 was passed unanimously on September 22, 2012 in the US Senate noting the 2nd Annual National Day of the Deployed. Co-Sponsors : Senators John Hoeven (North Dakota), Kent Conrad (North Dakota), Pat Roberts (Kansas), Roy Blunt (Missouri), John Boozman (Arkansas).

The formal event was hosted at Bismarck State College with guest presenters Governor Jack Dalrymple, Senator John, Hoeven, Representative Rick Berg, NDARNG MG David Sprynczynatyk, GFAFB  Col Tim Bush, AMC 319 ABW/CC Commander and MAFB Lt Col Sean Wade from the 5th Logistics Readiness Squadron. This event was live streamed across the globe. Lori Thompson, the COO of Military Ovation was present to sing the National Anthem. Governor Jack Dalrymple signed the 7th Annual North Dakota Day of the Deployed.

2013: S. RES. 273 was passed unanimously on October 16, 2013. Co-Sponsors: Senators; John Hoeven (North Dakota), Heidi Heitkamp (North Dakota) Pat Roberts (Kansas), Roy Blunt (Missouri), Jon Tester (Montana) and Ben Cardin (Maryland). Governor Jack Dalrymple signed the 8th Annual North Dakota Day of the Deployed.

This year the events are being informally hosted in coffee shops across North Dakota since it falls on a weekend.

The “National Day of” … Calendar inducted the National Day of the Deployed into their site on October 23, 2013.  to add another piece of history to the history books of this great nation.

Working with John Hoeven on Day of the Deployed since 2006 in North Dakota has been an honorable way to extend appreciation to the deployed service members and their families. Day of the Deployed is recognition for their hard work, dedication and commitment to the United States of America. This day is all about them.  It is important that we mark this day in honor of those who serve. The Day of the Deployed is a chance for us to reflect on the sacrifice and commitment of our military personnel and formally offer our thanks to these brave men and women. While we can never fully appreciate the sacrifice of our soldiers and their families, we must do all that we can to honor their service to our country.


Thank you to all the military members across the United States of America who provides that blanket of freedom that my family and I sleep under every night.  Please join us on Facebook and say thank you to all our warriors and families who continue to serve our great nation.


Military Ovation is a local nonprofit standing in support of the troops, veterans and families serving IN and FROM North Dakota.