Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Empty Chair Military Tribute

Holidays are often filled with parties and happiness, but remember, there is often a missing chair in many military families.

We would like to ask all of you to join us by remembering the incredible cost paid by those who currently serve as well as all who have served and are unable to be with their loved ones,the ones who give their all to help preserve the freedoms we enjoy and those gallant individuals who fought and died for our country. We also pay tribute to those whose fate is still unknown, those still listed as Missing In Action and Prisoners Of War. These courageous Americans, who dedicated their lives to preserving and protecting our freedom, will never be forgotten.

Those who have served and those currently serving in the uniformed services of the United States are ever mindful that the sweetness of enduring peace has always been tainted by the bitterness of personal sacrifice. We are compelled to never forget that while we enjoy our daily pleasures, there are others who have endured and may still be enduring the agonies of pain, deprivation, and internment.

To honor these men and women, we participate in the Empty Chair Military Tribute.

We call your attention to this small table which occupies a place of dignity
and honor. It is being set for one, symbolizing the fact that members of our armed forces are missing from our ranks. They are currently unable to be with their loved ones either due to the responsibilities of their current service, because they have paid the ultimate cost or because they have become a MIA or POW.

It is because they are unable to be with their loved ones and families, that we join together to pay our humble tribute to them, and to bear witness to their continued absence.

You can do this by placing an empty chair at your holiday table to represent those unable to join their own families and observe a moment of silence or say a prayer during your holiday celebrations.

 Our Tribute is symbolized in the following manner but you can pay homage in your own way:

The Table is round and set for just one symbolizing the frailty of one separated from those they love.

The Tablecloth is white, symbolic of the purity of their intentions to respond to their Country’s call to arms.

The yellow ribbon symbolizes the support of those of at home and the safe return of all service members

The dark red candle in the front center symbolizes POW and MIA.

The top red candle symbolizes the fallen and their valor and bravery.

The blue candle symbolizes the deployed and their vigilance, perseverance and loyalty.

The white candle symbolizes the hope for peace.

Each Candle is reminiscent of the light of hope, which lives in our hearts to illuminate their way home to the open arms of a grateful nation.

The empty chair symbolizes all those who are serving our country who can not be with their families because they are protecting our freedoms.

Remembering you and yours during the holiday season.